black and white image of woman crying

And So It Begins!

Family walking in the street

The gates have officially closed for summer, the teachers have all gone home to rest. You're now stuck with your little hell-raising devils for 6-7 weeks. Let's all say this together... "How the HECK are we going to cope?"

If you're feeling like Gandalf just handed you the ring and the fate of man's survival now rests upon your shoulders, well you're not alone my friend!


We somehow have to make it through to September. Unfortunately, we are no longer allowed to lock them in a cupboard under the stairs, hang them upside down from the washing line or place them inside a large cardboard box (It'd have air holes of course). But these things are frowned upon and also super illegal. 

So, what do we do with the little monsters? 

little boy dressed as a super hero

Well fear not my wicked companions, I have been planning some fun activities to keep little ones busy. 

Get messy in the kitchen!


Try your hand at baking. Create some fun shaped cookies or allow the kids to decorate a super messy but fabulous cake. Not got a sweet tooth? Give them a pizza base and an array of toppings so they can have fun creating their own lunch (They'll probably eat it all too).

delicious pizza

Don't feel like messing up the kitchen? No problem you can make a mess outside. How about creating a little sand or water pit for them to play with? How about using these 6 weeks to do some gardening? Kids love mud and I'm sure with a little help they'd have your garden looking great in no time. 

playing outside

kids can get a little crazy with paint and cover themselves from head to toe in neon colours. So how about giving them chalk and water instead and letting them draw on the garden path/ stepping stones where it'll simply dry up all clear? Best thing about this activity is there's almost zero tidying up for you afterwards!

messy paint on childs hands

Days out - Now lets be honest, we don't want these holidays costing us a fortune so why not save the cash and on warm dry days head to the park with a picnic and a ball? Take a stroll down the local canal to see the ducks and boats?

father and children looking at the lake

Or make a treasure map and go on a mystical walk in the woods?

playing with leaves

Then there's the old rainy day classics - Boardgames (A.K.A Bored Games). Cards, arts and crafts. Let's not forget the "at home cinema experience" grab some popcorn, blankets and a good old family favourite. 

Home cinema family film

There you go, time will fly by with all of these super fun activities. And if not, give the grandparents a call and take the day off! 

mum relaxing

We can make it to September, stay strong my pretties... Stay strong!




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